Having spent time around sheep I've come to believe that Jesus' parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15) is a clever, purposeful insult. Sheep are foolish, fearful, stupid, careless creatures bent on satisfying a gluttonous appetite. Hmmmmm ( that's the sound of an insulting and accurate comparison registering in my often foolish, fearful, stupid, careless and gluttonous brain).
In pursuit of satisfaction they may wind up in situations where only the shepherd can effect their rescue. Lost sheep may even resist their rescue. Hmmmmmmm - there's that sound again.
This is a picture of how lost I am; more lost than I cared to believe. Yet I am more loved than I can comprehend. And this realization calls into question possibly everything I've ever thought about God, religion and salvation. How is that?
I've come to believe that God's community is defined by how rescued it is, not by how righteous it is. Righteousness produced by loyalty and training develops a good sheep dog but doesn't necessarily produce salvation. Besides, I am a sheep, not a dog.
Matt 17:22-23 makes it clear that not all who call on the Lord are known to Him. That being the case, what does it mean to me to be a Christian?
I am thinking it has more to do with my need for a Savior. I don't need a prophet, a teacher, a sheep dog or a trainer. I simply need to recognize my need and not resist the rescue. The salvation-invitation wasn't extended to good dogs but to lost sheep.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Looking back on Older writings
Looking back through my old writings has been a good exercise for me. It is hard to see growth sometimes, except in retrospect. But even then there were moments of joy and worship.
From Nov. 13th, 2008-
..."God chooses people He can depend on. He knew what to expect from Abraham and said of him, 'I have chosen him, ...that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what He has promised him.' (Gen 18:19) The Lord can be depended on, and He desires for us to be just as dependable, reliable, determined and stable. This is simply the meaning of faith.
"God is looking for people on whom He can place the entire weight of His love, power, and faithful promises. And He is strong enough to pull any weight I may attach to Him. Sadly, I have often used an undersized cable to tie on. The resulting discipline is often painful. May I learn my lessons well and then stand firm."
Enough said.
From Nov. 13th, 2008-
..."God chooses people He can depend on. He knew what to expect from Abraham and said of him, 'I have chosen him, ...that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what He has promised him.' (Gen 18:19) The Lord can be depended on, and He desires for us to be just as dependable, reliable, determined and stable. This is simply the meaning of faith.
"God is looking for people on whom He can place the entire weight of His love, power, and faithful promises. And He is strong enough to pull any weight I may attach to Him. Sadly, I have often used an undersized cable to tie on. The resulting discipline is often painful. May I learn my lessons well and then stand firm."
Enough said.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Measuring Cups
If you have returned for part two of this missive I hope you are here with an open mind. If you didn't read part one you may want to take a couple of minutes and read http://cluelessat50.blogspot.com/2011/03/pressed-down-and-shaken-together.html
"It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (emphasis mine), while we wait for the blessed hope.... eager to do what is good (again, emphasis mine)." (Titus 2:12-14)
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous quotes the Bible when it states that "faith without works is dead." True enough, but I think more is at work here. In yesterday's post I stated that the proof of the awakening is the result of the awakening. How is that? If I have undergone any type of change (say from selfish, self-serving a**wipe to a reasonable facsimile of a decent human being), might there be some evidence of that change? Shouldn't there be something to demonstrate that I am not the same? Might that be a change in attitude from what I was to what I am now? And might that attitude reflect a giving, caring person, one who endeavors to "give away what he has so freely received?"
To long for the return of Christ is to long for the conditions that will prevail on His return. That longing compels me to live my belief. If I long for a world free from hunger I must try to feed the hungry. If I want mercy, I must be merciful. If I believe in peace I must be peaceful.
And these are the measuring cups by which I have received the promised spiritual awakening. I receive love by loving, forgiveness by forgiving; and it leaves me eager to do what is good. To create a heaven-on-earth, in this present age, I can only do my part. But I get to live in a world that increases my satisfaction exponentially for my efforts. And this heaven here is only a taste of the treasures I am storing up.
The twelve steps, as I have come to understand them, were designed to re-connect me with a God I had abandoned, by giving me a glimpse of how His plan works in a [relatively] controlled environment. So equipped, I can carry that experience out of my self-absorbed world and into His universe.
Expressions like, "You can't keep it unless you give it away," fall short of my reality. Having had a spiritual awakening, the change in my life makes it improbable I will attempt to keep it, because whatever I am giving away seems to come back in multiples of my measurement. My God is like that. I would bet yours is, too. Dare you to take Him up on the offer.
"It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (emphasis mine), while we wait for the blessed hope.... eager to do what is good (again, emphasis mine)." (Titus 2:12-14)
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous quotes the Bible when it states that "faith without works is dead." True enough, but I think more is at work here. In yesterday's post I stated that the proof of the awakening is the result of the awakening. How is that? If I have undergone any type of change (say from selfish, self-serving a**wipe to a reasonable facsimile of a decent human being), might there be some evidence of that change? Shouldn't there be something to demonstrate that I am not the same? Might that be a change in attitude from what I was to what I am now? And might that attitude reflect a giving, caring person, one who endeavors to "give away what he has so freely received?"
To long for the return of Christ is to long for the conditions that will prevail on His return. That longing compels me to live my belief. If I long for a world free from hunger I must try to feed the hungry. If I want mercy, I must be merciful. If I believe in peace I must be peaceful.
And these are the measuring cups by which I have received the promised spiritual awakening. I receive love by loving, forgiveness by forgiving; and it leaves me eager to do what is good. To create a heaven-on-earth, in this present age, I can only do my part. But I get to live in a world that increases my satisfaction exponentially for my efforts. And this heaven here is only a taste of the treasures I am storing up.
The twelve steps, as I have come to understand them, were designed to re-connect me with a God I had abandoned, by giving me a glimpse of how His plan works in a [relatively] controlled environment. So equipped, I can carry that experience out of my self-absorbed world and into His universe.
Expressions like, "You can't keep it unless you give it away," fall short of my reality. Having had a spiritual awakening, the change in my life makes it improbable I will attempt to keep it, because whatever I am giving away seems to come back in multiples of my measurement. My God is like that. I would bet yours is, too. Dare you to take Him up on the offer.
Pressed Down And Shaken Together
I've been asked a number of times recently to account for my positive attitude. On the surface, to many my situation seems dire, and I refuse to expound upon it. In truth, I can't completely explain my belief that my automatic response of, "I've just never had it so good," to queries about my life will actually make everything better.
I suppose it is a result of my "having had a spiritual awakening." As I have come to understand such awakenings, they are best examined in the light of the results they produce in a life. The proof of the awakening is the result of the awakening.
My admission of powerlessness and decision to pursue the spiritual solution has led me on a path more gratifying than I'd dreamed or imagined. It began with the gift of hope borne of desperation. Hope has made me a man of passion and compassion. It has allowed me to re-prioritize my personal and public life.
My faith in God, belief in His son Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit has made a number of spiritual principles manifest n my life. Chief among those today is that I cannot out-give God. And He demonstrates that to me in so many ways.
In seeking recovery from alcoholism and addiction, were I to have received only sobriety I would have been overpaid for my efforts. But through a regular practice of the twelfth step, my spiritual awakening my spiritual awakening continues to expand and fill my world, actually crowds me out of that universe of one, nudging me into His world. And in His world, the limit exceeds my sky.
"'Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'" (Malachi 3:10) I'd read that passage before, drunk and sober, and never been willing to take God up on His offer. After all, it seemed arrogant to stand before the Creator of the Universe and call His bluff.
"Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38) I realize that my limitation in receiving God's blessings has been my own definition of my measure.
I've always assumed that God's measurement and mine (the world's, perhaps?) were the same device; money. After all, isn't that what I hear people, churches, agencies, governments clamoring for? How wrong could I have been? Check back tomorrow and I'll fill you in.
I suppose it is a result of my "having had a spiritual awakening." As I have come to understand such awakenings, they are best examined in the light of the results they produce in a life. The proof of the awakening is the result of the awakening.
My admission of powerlessness and decision to pursue the spiritual solution has led me on a path more gratifying than I'd dreamed or imagined. It began with the gift of hope borne of desperation. Hope has made me a man of passion and compassion. It has allowed me to re-prioritize my personal and public life.
My faith in God, belief in His son Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit has made a number of spiritual principles manifest n my life. Chief among those today is that I cannot out-give God. And He demonstrates that to me in so many ways.
In seeking recovery from alcoholism and addiction, were I to have received only sobriety I would have been overpaid for my efforts. But through a regular practice of the twelfth step, my spiritual awakening my spiritual awakening continues to expand and fill my world, actually crowds me out of that universe of one, nudging me into His world. And in His world, the limit exceeds my sky.
"'Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'" (Malachi 3:10) I'd read that passage before, drunk and sober, and never been willing to take God up on His offer. After all, it seemed arrogant to stand before the Creator of the Universe and call His bluff.
"Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38) I realize that my limitation in receiving God's blessings has been my own definition of my measure.
I've always assumed that God's measurement and mine (the world's, perhaps?) were the same device; money. After all, isn't that what I hear people, churches, agencies, governments clamoring for? How wrong could I have been? Check back tomorrow and I'll fill you in.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pork Chops

In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely, and due to their tiny size they died shortly after birth.
Though physically fine following delivery, the mother tiger began to decline in health. Veterinarians felt that she had fallen into a depression due to the loss of her cubs. Their feeling was that if she could surrogate another tiger's cubs she might improve.
But after checking with zoos across the country they learned there were no cubs of the right age to introduce to the grieving tigress. The veterinarians decided to try an experiment never before attempted with this species. They knew that some species would mother infants of another species if conditions were right. The only "orphans" they could find quickly were a litter of weanling pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed them around the momma tiger. The only question was, "Would she accept them as cubs, or would they become pork chops?"
I don't know how you take this, but I find hope in it.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
It is not love that completes a man.
He must be complete in order to love.
But love does make him fuller.
He must be complete in order to love.
But love does make him fuller.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Reprinted Withhout Permission
Associated Press
A U.S. Marine reservist collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in eastern Georgia. Best Buy sales manager Orvin Smith told The Augusta Chronicle that man was seen on surveillance cameras Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the Augusta store.
When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door. Outside were four Marines collecting toys for the service branch's "Toys For Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back.
The cut did not appear to be severe. The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw...injuries he sustained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine.
A U.S. Marine reservist collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in eastern Georgia. Best Buy sales manager Orvin Smith told The Augusta Chronicle that man was seen on surveillance cameras Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the Augusta store.
When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door. Outside were four Marines collecting toys for the service branch's "Toys For Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back.
The cut did not appear to be severe. The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw...injuries he sustained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine.
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