Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Going Deeper With Luke

Having spent time around sheep I've come to believe that Jesus' parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15) is a clever, purposeful insult. Sheep are foolish, fearful, stupid, careless creatures bent on satisfying a gluttonous appetite.  Hmmmmm ( that's the sound of an insulting and accurate comparison registering in my often foolish, fearful, stupid, careless and gluttonous brain).

In pursuit of satisfaction they may wind up in situations where only the shepherd can effect their rescue.  Lost sheep may even resist their rescue.  Hmmmmmmm - there's that sound again.

This is a picture of how lost I am; more lost than I cared to believe.  Yet I am more loved than I can comprehend.  And this realization calls into question possibly everything I've ever thought about God, religion and salvation. How is that?

I've come to believe that God's community is defined by how rescued it is, not by how righteous it is.  Righteousness produced by loyalty and training develops a good sheep dog but doesn't necessarily produce salvation.  Besides, I am a sheep, not a dog.

Matt 17:22-23 makes it clear that not all who call on the Lord are known to Him.  That being the case, what does it mean to me to be a Christian?

I am thinking it has more to do with my need for a Savior. I don't need a prophet, a teacher, a sheep dog or a trainer.  I simply need to recognize my need and not resist the rescue.  The salvation-invitation wasn't extended to good dogs but to lost sheep.

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