Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Human Becoming

I have borrowed this from a source that did not credit the author.
This is not my work but I love the sentiment
- Chuck

My ultimate creation, my greatest miracle,
A complete living being, I give you
A power not even the angels have -
The power to choose to create something new.
Use it wisely, this power of choice.
Choose to Love, rather than hate,
Choose to Laugh, rather than Cry,
Choose to Create, rather than Destroy,
Choose to Persevere, rather than Quit,
Choose to Praise, rather than Gossip,
Choose to Heal, rather than Wound,
Choose to Give, rather than Steal,
Choose to Act, rather than Procrastinate,
Choose to Grow, rather than Rot,
Choose to Pray, rather than Curse,
Choose to Live, rather than Die,
Choose to Serve, rather than Be Served,
Choose to Begin Again, rather than Go Backward,
Choose to Forgive, rather than Get Revenge.
More than a human being you are a Human Becoming.

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